Shape your Child's Future Communication Competency 塑造孩子未來的溝通能力
我們都知道能不能夠靈活地跟他人溝通是成功的關鍵。作為父母應如何塑造孩子未來的溝通能力?你知道6歲前是關鍵時期嗎?孩子的未來在你手中。 現在看看你為孩子買的玩具或衣服,是否大多數是某些顏色、特定款式、類似紋理質料等?這是一個跡象,表明我們喜好傾向、內部表述,影響到我們塑造孩子...

12 May - Learn the Language; Beat the Barrier & 23 May - Read Your Child's Internal Strategi
My greatest pleasure to conduct training workshops for the same school for the 2nd and 3rd time to different audience groups and of...

Maximize Your Child's Learning Ability 6 July
We all know that being able to use our most suitable learning styles highly increases the efficiency and productivity and more...

Speak in your child's language ~ 29 April 2017
“If you speak to children in a language they understand, that goes to their head. If you speak to them in their language, that goes to...

'FBI' Read Your Mind Workshop
My first batch of 'FBI' has been officially trained! Watch out! lol Our eye ball movements give us a good picture of our mind. "Eyes are...

Training Week in Bangkok (Effective Parenting, Women Empowerment & Public Speaking)
Bangkok is known to be an attractive destination where you can spend a few days indulging yourself in all sorts of massage and spa, all...

Effective Parent-child communication - Speak in your children's language
This workshop has been a popular one not only for Chinese parents but also for western. Or to be exact, it attracts westerners more....

Effective Parenting - Connect to Communicate (Bangkok 15 & 18 Mar)
“If you speak to children in a language they understand, that goes to their head. If you speak to them in their language, that goes to...

Secrets to Effective Parent-Child Communication
It's my very first time to conduct a workshop in The University of Science and Technology (UST), such a beautiful campus! I could feel my...