從來冇諗過2011年一個人自己出走,開展自己的旅途,竟然會將自己帶到今日行緊嘅呢條路上 - The road less travelled。 呢六年,去過超過30多個國家、150多個城市。講嘅唔係數量,而係當中睇到既有幾多。一個人去旅行睇到嘅嘢好唔同,經歷嘅嘢都好唔同,有陣...
'FBI' Read Your Mind Workshop
My first batch of 'FBI' has been officially trained! Watch out! lol Our eye ball movements give us a good picture of our mind. "Eyes are...
Parent Interview Workshop
It's definitely not easy to be a parent in Hong Hong. If you are a parent, you definitely know what I mean. The original idea was just to...
Tap the Power of Storytelling
When you get invited to do a workshop on a particular topic again and again, I guess it implies that I am really good at it. Applying NLP...
Training Week in Bangkok (Effective Parenting, Women Empowerment & Public Speaking)
Bangkok is known to be an attractive destination where you can spend a few days indulging yourself in all sorts of massage and spa, all...
Beat "YOUR" Belief (28 April)
Your beliefs drive your behaviors; and your behaviors drive the results - a highly engaging and self-reflective workshop to help you...
Effective Parent-child communication - Speak in your children's language
This workshop has been a popular one not only for Chinese parents but also for western. Or to be exact, it attracts westerners more....
Prepare for the Interview - Parent Questionnaire (7 Apr) & Parent Interview Skills (21 Apr)
Are you frustrated by the Parent Questionnaire you have to fill in during your child's school interview process? Are you anxious if you...