家長面試-如何令面試老師喜歡你 (精讀班) on Zoom
學生入學面試越來越有挑戰性,家長們,準備好了沒有?不但要為子女準備好,連自己也要好好裝備啊!以下是一個清單,試試看你知道多少? 你知道… o 最常見的家長問卷問題嗎? o 問卷上各問題如何填寫才能留下深刻印象嗎? o 家長面試中常問的問題嗎? o ...
How to Ace the Interview (II)
What's an unbeatable way to ace an interview? "You can push information out or you can pull them in with story." If not storytelling,...
How to ace an interview (I)
How would you feel when you received an evaluation with overall perfect score? My Halloween this year was made remarkable not only Coz of...
Tap the Power of Storytelling
When you get invited to do a workshop on a particular topic again and again, I guess it implies that I am really good at it. Applying NLP...