如何使用NLP減輕壓力?這很簡單! 因為許多NLP技術都可以通過更大的生活變化,直接或間接地幫助減輕壓力。 即使你沒有瞭解或學習過NLP,以下的方法也可以輕鬆上手和應用! 1. 抽離 - 將你的意識從你的身體中分離 在NLP中,抽離是與任何情緒(包括壓力)斷開連接的一種方式...
這 3 種強大方法如何改變你的生活
—— 神經語言程式學(NLP)。
美國NLP大學原版教材教學- NLP 專業執行師課程(香港及廣州)
被受全球商界與心理學公認能幫助一個人在精神、心態和行為上顯著提升 國際重要人士、美國前總統克林頓、世界首富比爾蓋茨、傑克•韋爾奇、德蘭修女、NBA球星邁克•佐頓和激勵大師安東尼•羅賓等等聞人,全都認同NLP 柯林頓、史帝芬‧史匹柏、阿格西、老虎伍茲、曼德拉、《富爸爸‧窮爸爸...
1-hr 1-on-1 FREE Online NLP Coaching Experience
Are you spinning your wheels? You know you need to get out of the stuck state, stay motivated, move forward, be a better you but you just...
Ignite your Passion; Identify your Identity
Since young, my dad always said, "This is your life, you do what you want." This freedom of mind and act has shaped who I am right now....
Positive Sponsorship to Promote Inner Potentials
In the past many years, I have been praised by all sorts of people, "wow you are so capable!", "you are so smart", "you are very...
2016 NLPRAI Conference (Shanghai China)
A group of highly-skilled NLP trainers from different parts of the world gathered together in Shanghai from 22 September to 25 September...