Ignite your Passion; Identify your Identity
Since young, my dad always said, "This is your life, you do what you want." This freedom of mind and act has shaped who I am right now....

Leadership Excellence - Giving Effective Feedback
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” Ken Blanchard Healthy breakfast builds stronger body and mind; effective feedback builds better...

Effective Parenting - Connect to Communicate (Bangkok 15 & 18 Mar)
“If you speak to children in a language they understand, that goes to their head. If you speak to them in their language, that goes to...

Positive Sponsorship to Promote Inner Potentials
In the past many years, I have been praised by all sorts of people, "wow you are so capable!", "you are so smart", "you are very...

Walk the World
Walk the World - my first-ever contest speech Delighted to have the chance to be a demo speaker earlier this week. It's interesting to...

站在台上教授,不知不覺已十五年多。有時跟友人說笑,"我人生的一半也是站在台上。" 但在台上用廣東話的次數,一隻手已數盡,作為中國人,我也不知如何解說。 昨晚,我第一次為國際演講協會獻上廣東話工作坊,既刺激又興奮。我經常說,我快樂的泉源就是不斷踏出我的安全區,說得一點也沒錯。...

家長面試 -如何令面試老師喜歡你 (25 March HK)
家長們,子女入到名校與否可能就掌握在你手上,那壓力一定很大吧?進不了心儀學校的話,會覺得好有悔疚感? 我好明白。因為我有太多年面試家長的經驗了,知道最後1 局可能5個中只收1個。又或許見了50個家長,最後只有3個是老師覺得滿意的,競爭好似相當大。 ...

逃不過我的法眼 (25 March HK)
FBI 都要學的讀心術,你怎能錯過? 眼睛的移動能揭示出我們的思考過程及試圖隱藏的深層情感,透過適當的訓練及掌握有關竅門,便能洞察他人內心。 工作坊目的: ‧ 提升人際溝通技巧 ‧ 洞識內心世界 ‧ 建立與人溝通的親和感 ...