NLPU Trainer & Consultancy Certification 美國NLP大學NLP培訓師及顧問認證課程
CANTONESE √ Robert DILTS/NLPU accredited DILTS/NLPU Trainer and Consultancy Certification August 4 – 16 !
廣東話 √ Robert DILTS / NLPU Accredited DILTS/ NLPU 培訓師和顧問認證課程 8 月 4 日至 16 日開課!
NLPU Master Trainer Susanna Wong Facilitates an ONLINE group in Cantonese.
NLPU 大師級培訓師 Susanna Wong 以廣東話輔助教學在線小組。
Simultaneous translation for all live Zoom sessions.
Participants will access Robert's 30 ©2022 NLP Trainer and Consultancy teaching videos;
學員可收看30個 Robert's ©2022 NLP培訓師及顧問錄製教學視頻。
Susanna will teach them in Cantonese.
Susanna 會用廣東話輔助教學。
Tuition: $4,000 includes extended Facilitation thru October for accredited DILTS/NLPU Trainer Certification.
學費:美元 4,000 包括 Accredited DILTS/NLPU 線上培訓師認證課程及延長至10 月的線上輔助教學。
Prerequisite: Master Practitioner Certification from any legitimate NLP Institute.
Contact Susanna for details 聯繫 Susanna 了解詳情:; Whatsapp: +17142931864; Wechat: Kingoh64
For more information, please visit