Maximize Your Child's Learning Ability 6 July
We all know that being able to use our most suitable learning styles highly increases the efficiency and productivity and more importantly maximizes our learning ability. Some adults find it hard to know their own best learning ways not to mention children. Ironically, children are those who need to take tons of quizzes, tests and examinations. Remember the time you had to recite a poem? Did you do it simply by scanning the words? Or did you need to read it aloud? Or did you need to walk around while memorizing it? Or did you question what the poem was actually about? Or … We all did it in different ways because our internal representations of information control our learning styles. So finding and more critically developing and expanding your child’s most suitable learning styles helps them excel academically. And, it’s best to start at a younger age so that they will have a more comfortable study life. But the key is, can you read your child’s internal representations? Do you speak in your child’s preferred “language” to guide them? Do you know how to shape their internal presentations so that their learning ability can be maximized? 日期:2017 年 7 月 6 日 (THU) (小學生家長) 時間:7:30pm to 9:30pm 地點:灣仔譚臣道5-11號信邦商業大廈13樓A室 費用: $600/人; 早鳥優惠 (6月8日前) $500/人 語言:廣東話,輔以英語
報名: 查詢 : 講師:Miss Susanna Wong BBA, PGDE, MA 付款方法: 請把工作坊費用存入以下戶口,然後把存款收據電郵,並填妥此表格。收據及確認電郵會於一兩個工作天後發到你的電郵箱。 Live Limitless Company Limited Hang Seng Bank 788 338283 883

黃永堅 BBA, PGDE, MA —— NLP(身心語言程式學)國際高級培訓師,是一位人才管理領域的專業人士。她畢業於拔萃女書院後,便進香港中文大學主修BBA、英語教學文憑與碩士課程,其後負笈前往加拿大與美國進修,師從於Robert Dilts和Judith DeLozier。 黃氏有超過15年的英語輔導、諮詢與教學經驗。她曾於德望學校中學部任教八年英語,也是香港中文大學資優課程的講師。多年來她曾在不同學校和機構裏培訓、輔導和指導不同年齡層的人,經驗豐富;而最為人讚賞的就是富刺激性和啟發性的教學方法、培訓風格和技能。 黃氏亦是全球培訓和諮詢組織的成員。作為一位有遠見的領導者,她開創了LL培訓和諮詢公司。作為創始人和總監,她致力於提供鼓舞人心的教學、培訓和諮詢服務,以期喚起繁忙都市中人們對生活的覺醒,從而活出真我。 黃氏為國際演講協會的積極成員,曾擔任分會會長,並榮獲多項演講冠軍。她乃專業培訓師演講會的創辦會長,也是一位充滿自信和熱情的演講者,不斷以嶄新和富啟發性的觀點來激勵和挑戰她的觀眾。 作為一位真正的全球公民,黃氏的遊歷經驗極為豐富——遊遍超過30個國家、150多個城市,曾在香港、多倫多、紐約和加州進修,並在香港、澳門、上海、巴塞羅那、柏林及曼谷進行各項培訓。她的培訓方法靈活多變,能夠針對不同人的學習興趣和需求,再因材施以培訓。