Tap the Power of Storytelling
When you get invited to do a workshop on a particular topic again and again, I guess it implies that I am really good at it. Applying NLP concept, this is Unconscious Competence.
After fine-tuning my workshop on storytelling, I proudly presented some practical tips and interesting concepts based on my experience as a storyteller in life for a group of energetic and very presentable leaders.
Glad that some of them already knew the power of it because quite some top directors of their company are great storytellers.
And... this was the first time ever that a participant could tell me what exactly a story is and what storytelling is all about! WOW! I was super impressed!!!
Storytelling is the ultimate weapon, I always say. How well have you mastered the skill? Want a workshop? lol
Happy to share my new quote in the workshop. Something that I truly believe.