How to Ask Questions?
Kids ask A LOT of questions, why? why not? But adults tend to ask a lot less. Why? When time goes by, we seem to lose the ability to ask the right questions especially when we are talking to our kids.
Have you ever experienced that no matter how you re-phrased your questions or how many times you asked the questions, your child just wouldn't respond?
But there might be one or two occasions that you asked a questions, and your child shared loads of information with you. Was it by luck?
Absolutely not! We need to know how to ask children questions so that we will know more about their life. Most importantly, when they are facing hard times, do we know what questions to ask to break the ice and help them solve the puzzles? Or indeed we are asking questions that shut their door even harder and tighter?
19 December (Tue) 7:30pm–9:30pm 香港灣仔譚臣道5-11號信邦商業大廈13樓A室 對象:家長及教師 語言:廣東話,輔以英語 報名: 查詢: 講師:Miss Susanna Wong BBA, PGDE, MA
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導師資料: 黃永堅 BBA, PGDE, MA • NLP(身心語言程式學)國際高級培訓師 • A.C.H.E. 註冊高階催眠治療師 • 香港中文大學資優課程的講師 • 超過15年的英語輔導、諮詢與教學經驗 • 曾於德望學校中學部任教八年英語 • 畢業於拔萃女書院 • 曾在香港、多倫多、紐約和加州進修 • 曾於香港、澳門、中國大陸、巴塞羅那、柏林、曼谷及加州進行各項培訓