17 June - Better Me Better Team
2nd Training workshop in a day after launching the I FEEL GOOD stress release workshop. What a fulfilling day!
When you are already excellent, how can you help yourself to be even better?
With a full bag of training materials and my sense of excitement, I walked to the Olympian House in CWB to conduct a tailor-made workshop, BETTER ME BETTER TEAM, for a group of HK representative sport team Players. First time ever! How could I not be excited about this new experience?!
I was very touched by what the participants shared in the workshop and how they engaged themselves in the self-discovery journey. Lots of teary moments! I could sense how much they have been through and how strong their mind has been!
I really like my coaching-training style of training workshops. It's challenging but very effective! Love my two new fine-tuned patterns especially the one about well-formed outcomes. Very encouraging results!
I had so much fun throughout the workshop. I particularly like the start of the workshop with the poem video, risk, specially made for this workshop, and the ending miracle question session to close the workshop.
Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to create changes through me. I love this experience so much! Very strong magnetic field in the room. Sport team players, they are kinda different. Can't wait to see you guys in the 2nd workshop! All the best for the upcoming world-class tournaments!
The power of NLP! The Power of Changing! The Power of Wanting to Be Better! Proud of this Performance Excellence Series! Key to success - Self Awareness!
P.S. Thank you everyone for making this training workshop possible and successful!