Develop Mentoring Competency @ ShenZhen ~ 4 May 2017
A great mentor is a difference-maker because he/she sees the better you in you and helps you get there. Whether you are new or experienced, having a great mentor always makes a difference in your life.
Very happy to have conducted an interactive workshop with a group of enthusiastic and fun-loving participants. I am always impressed and surprised by how much participants can produce at the end of the workshop. Participants' inputs are always far more important when you want to produce a better final product.
It was an exciting start to see the scene that mentees were so willing to express their needs while mentors were so creative to come up with ways to fulfil them. Participants experienced the satisfaction of needs fulfilment. This is crucial indeed.
I introduced some mentorship programmes I have implemented before, shared my tip - FORCES for being a mentor and a mentee, and also a list of mentor responsibilities (they were so excited about the list!) I have to say I was inspired by the ideas produced by the participants.
"In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn."