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The Floor is Yours: Face the Fear

Happy to have shared with my Professional Trainers members and guests about how to face the fear of public speaking yesterday evening.

According to a lot of surveys, the recent one was from Wall Street Journal, death is not our no.1 fear but public speaking. So I was facing the no.1 fear last night. And you know what? I am still alive!

The nerves that we felt is indeed an extra energy for us, a sign to show that we are alive! So with this extra energy, what are we going to do if not knocking the socks off the audience?

I have shared quite a lot of practical tips that I have been using. I hope at least of one them suits you!

Ladies and gentlemen, let's enjoy the fun of making new mistakes! Let's keep experimenting!

P.S. I love my facial expressions! As always! Nice shots!

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